Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Journal no.4

Other people usually told me that I'm friendly and responsible, i really don't know if it is ALWAYS true, i think it depends on the people and my mood, but i know that there are times that i am really friendly and responsible.

There are times that i make mistakes in school, like recitation, and it is normal if my teacher would correct my mistakes, because that is one of their responsibility, to teach us right, there is nothing to be angry with it. when i'm expressing my opinions during class, i make sure that i will not offend someone. During work presentations, i give my opinion, at the same time i respect other opinions. Mistakes are normal, and it is good if someone will correct you from it, because it means they care for you. When I don’t like doing what others want me to do, i talk to them and tell my side. When they want to give comments about me, I make myself ready, there are things that should be accepted and you will learn something from it.

I treat all of people in MCL equally, I don't really mind their positions, I respect them as I want to be respected.

- when they want to give you their comments or suggestions?

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