Friday, August 7, 2009

Journal no.8

As an ordinary person, I think it is normal if sometimes temptations came to us, it is the reason why God gave us "conscience".

When I was in High school, I often saw money left or maybe dropped in the ground by an owner, the first thing that always comes to my mind is that the person left it accidentally, I care about the owner because there is a possibility that this money is for buying his/her food or it is intended for other important things. And as I think those possibilities, I know that I should give it back to the owner or surrender the money to the discipline office or at the lost and found so that the owner can find it easier. Every time I did those things, I am very proud of myself, because though sometimes I need money, I usually give it back because it is the right thing to do.

I realized that in every good deed we do, it can give us happiness that we can't find in other things.

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