Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Journal no.4

Other people usually told me that I'm friendly and responsible, i really don't know if it is ALWAYS true, i think it depends on the people and my mood, but i know that there are times that i am really friendly and responsible.

There are times that i make mistakes in school, like recitation, and it is normal if my teacher would correct my mistakes, because that is one of their responsibility, to teach us right, there is nothing to be angry with it. when i'm expressing my opinions during class, i make sure that i will not offend someone. During work presentations, i give my opinion, at the same time i respect other opinions. Mistakes are normal, and it is good if someone will correct you from it, because it means they care for you. When I don’t like doing what others want me to do, i talk to them and tell my side. When they want to give comments about me, I make myself ready, there are things that should be accepted and you will learn something from it.

I treat all of people in MCL equally, I don't really mind their positions, I respect them as I want to be respected.

- when they want to give you their comments or suggestions?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Journal no.10

When I was in high school, there is a time that me and my friends are going to other places, like malls, during half-day schedules. Sometimes even though I didn't want to join them because I didn't ask permission to my mother (which I usually can't do) they forced me to join them, they said "hindi naman nila malalaman kung hindi ka magsasabi di ba? tska wala naman tayong gagawing masama, hindi tayo papagabi". They often got angry whenever I say that I really don't want to, but i don't want them to be angry at me that's why i don't have any choice but to join them. I felt guilty when I went home, and more guilty when I made-up stories and lies.

I learned that I should make my own decisions in what I should do, and I don't care to other as long as I'm doing what is right.

Journal no.9

For me, a responsible person is someone who do their obligations and worthy of everyone's trust.

Even I'm a teenager, I also have my responsibilities. At home, I should help in cleaning our house and help in other house chores. In my school, I should go to school on time, do the tasks given to me, submit my assignments and projects on time and study or review for the examinations. In our community, I should help in maintaining a clean place and environment, and help people who lack of something and share things that we have.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Journal no.8

As an ordinary person, I think it is normal if sometimes temptations came to us, it is the reason why God gave us "conscience".

When I was in High school, I often saw money left or maybe dropped in the ground by an owner, the first thing that always comes to my mind is that the person left it accidentally, I care about the owner because there is a possibility that this money is for buying his/her food or it is intended for other important things. And as I think those possibilities, I know that I should give it back to the owner or surrender the money to the discipline office or at the lost and found so that the owner can find it easier. Every time I did those things, I am very proud of myself, because though sometimes I need money, I usually give it back because it is the right thing to do.

I realized that in every good deed we do, it can give us happiness that we can't find in other things.

Journal no. 7

I believe my I'm a healthy person, I eat foods that are good for my health, my family avoid eating to much oily foods and drinking soft drinks. As much as possible, I eat many fruits in a day. I don't drink liquors or even smoke, I believe that even I'm at young age, it can affect me a lot. I have a clean surroundings and at the same time I exercise when I'm not busy. For me, taking good care of our health should be done as early as now, we don't have to be old just to be aware of our health.

Journal no. 6

In our life, there are always challenges that we encounter and should be done in a given time, even if sometimes we fail, it should not serve as an obstacle in our determination to prove something in other people and in ourselves.

As a student, I always feel challenged every time I go to school, I expect lot of tasks that should be done correctly in the given period of time. I think I accomplished those challenges because I don't have any failing marks or scores in all of my subjects, I don't have problems regarding my grades. Of course, I feel very glad whenever this happens, it's like all of my efforts gave a great results. I was also inspired to work harder in order for me to have higher marks in all of the subjects.

I realized that in everything you do, you should always exert effort and determination to be able to succeed in what we do.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Most Challenging Thing I have ever accomplished

In a person’s thoughts, it’s always about what you want to accomplish, how and when you’ll be able to accomplish it, in a given short span of time. When I was a high school student, thinking about what to achieve was never a big deal for me. My reason of existence then was to do my homework, pass my projects on time and other school work because it was required. But it was in the day of our graduation, that I realized, I have indeed accomplished/finished my long race, and was getting ready to run another one. Having seen my friends accept their diploma after I received mine, what I felt was more than satisfying; it was a feeling beyond compare.

It was then after my graduation that I thought about the small things I accomplished, and I consider each one of them as “the most challenging thing”. Like there was this one time, my mom was listening to one of her instrumental albums; I got stunned when I heard the Piano Concerto of Chopin. I told myself that I’ve got to learn how to play a beautiful piano piece like Chopin’s. I made a great deal of effort and it paid off when I finally learned how to play Sonatas and Prelude. Of all the skills I’ve learned, it was playing the piano I consider as my masterpiece. Because when I played for my grandmother, she cried of happiness, I didn’t know that time that it was my grandparents’ wedding song. It made me realize that accomplishments are not only the things that you do to make you feel successful, but it is also the things you’ve done for others and made them really happy.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

my outstanding virtue

My outstanding virtue is Respect. Our world now is facing many problems that is hard to be resolved; corruption, crimes, dicrimination and other problems. I think this is because nowadays respect is not anymore applied. If respect is applied in every community, we may have a united, peacful and harmonic society. If we respect each other, we also repect ourselves.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

journal no.2

My top 5 are:

1. concern for others
2. discipline
3. freedom
4. honesty
5. justice

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Values Education and College Life

Values Education is important because it validates the good moral character we learned from our parents as well as what we have learned in the school. By this, we could also relate what God is expecting from us as good Christian. It’s one way to achieve a harmonious relationship dealing with other people.

Adjusting from high school to college is never easy. It’s like leaving home for an unfamiliar place that is yet to be explored and unfold. But my first few experiences, like taking the college entrance examination and the medical tests alone, gave me a “taste” or idea of what is going to be like in college. It’s really a fresh start, close into being independent. And even though the pressure is already setting in (thinking about what is there for me after I graduate college, work and all that stuff) I find the environment and the facilities of the school a great deal that can help me in a way that it’ll be easy for me to adjust. And not to mention the students in the campus are easy to get along with. But all of us still have a long way to go before we could say that we’ve fully adjusted. And it’s going to be tough but it’s just a preparation for a tougher adjustment after college, the real life.